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Big O Notation.md (1473B)

      1 +++
      2 title = 'Big O Notation'
      3 template = 'page-math.html'
      4 +++
      5 # Big O Notation
      6 used to classify algorithms
      7 function characterisation according to rates of growth
      8 useful for analysing efficiency
      9 always uses approximate worst case
     10 read “order of"
     12 Example:
     13 - $T(n)=4n^2-2n+2$
     14 - $n=500$ => $4n^2$ is 1000 times larger than 2n
     15 - $T(n) = O(n^2)$
     17 ## Time complexity
     18 expressed in Big O notation
     19 performance: how much time, memory, disk, etc.
     21 time complexity: amount of time taken by an algorithm to run, as a function of the length of the string representing the input
     23 typically interested in worst-case time complexity T(*n*)
     25 Determining complexities:
     27 - sequence of statements:
     28     - T=t(statement 1)+t(statement 2)+…+t(statement k)
     29     - if simple, time for each statement is constant, so total time is constant
     30     - therefore T(*n*) = O(1)
     31 - if-then-else
     32     - worst case is the slower of two possibilities
     33     - max(time(block1), time(block2))
     34     - if block1 takes O(1) and block2 takes O(N), it will be O(N)
     35 - loops
     36     - loop executes N times, so sequence of statements also executes N times
     37     - if assume statements are O(1), total time is N\*O(1)
     38     - so O(N)
     39 - nested loops
     40     - if N is times for outer loop, and M is times for inner loop
     41     - executes total of N\*M times
     42     - so complexity is O(N\*M)
     43 - function/procedure calls
     44     - f(k) has O(1)
     45     - g(k) has O(k)
     46     - if a loop goes 1 .. N and calls g(J) every time
     47     - complexity of O(N)²